Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kwik Sew 3740

Well I have been suffering a little sewing block. I have a ton of WIP’s and I have enough fabric to clothe me for a year but nothing
is grabbing me. I have cut out several patterns and made muslins but when it comes to my fancy fabric I just loose all motivation. Its not that I am scared to mess up expensive fabric, I have destroyed $98 a meter silk accidentally and just moved on, its just a feeling of blah.

Last night I thought if I sewed something easy that I would again find my spark. So I sewed Kwik Sew3740, this pattern comes
with a basic shell top and with a cowl neck version. I just did the basic shell, you can never have enough basics. I had done the cowl
version previously and had made some adjustments based on that. So here is my review


Pattern Description: Close fitting pull-over tops have scoop neckline. View A has cowl
collar and full length sleeves. View B is sleeveless and neckline and armholes
finished with self fabric bindings.

Pattern Sizing: XS-S-M-L-XL - I made a M, View B.

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were
done sewing with it? Yes completely, although I found the binding on the
arm and neck to be really thin compared with the illustration

Were the instructions easy to follow? Didn’t really look at the instructions, didn’t need them.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I liked that the shirt was cut a little higher on the chest, I don’t like to show to much cleavage. I disliked the bindings, next time I will add an extra half inch to the width of the binding to make it easier to work with. Other than that I loved the pattern and plan on making a few more for the summer.

Fabric Used: Cotton jersey, it’s a little thicker but not as thick as Ponte.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I had made the cowl before and made several changes to a size large. This time I graded from a large in the hip to a medium everywhere else. It fits almost perfectly, next time I think I will add a full bust adjustment, I find that it
pulls a tiny bit across the bust, but at least I am not swimming in it everywhere else like I was in the large.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Definitely I have made this one several times already with the cowl but now that summer is gearing up I will make view B again. I already have fabric pulled out for it.

Conclusion: This is a great basic pattern that can be worn both to work and on casual weekends.

Fluff: I wanted to make this shirt a little fancier to wear to work so I made a flower from the scraps. I don’t have a brooch backing on it yet but I wanted to wear it so I attached it with an just a sewing pin.

I dont know if my mojo is back but tonight is another night that I will plop down at my machine, whether something is created or not is another matter entirely.



1 comment:

  1. I love it. Like you said, you can never have to many basics and the pink of this is so very lovely
